TheContinent of Pedra, home to four nations, is in the midst of a serious crisis. The entire island is slowly transforming into a labyrinthine dungeon, and monsters are roaming the lands...
Cue our charming protagonist,Alex, who sets out on a journey in search of his missing father.
Using theRuler Orb, a tactical artifact passed down in his family for generations, Alex has the ability to command others on the battlefield.
With his childhood friendCitrinin tow, along with his dorky advisorLazuli, he seeks to find the truth behind the anomalies that threaten all the people of Pedra.
Astrategy RPGthat tests your ability to manage a party of students and their unique powers to defeat themonster hordesthat block your path. There is anoverarching storylinethat progresses with each quest you complete, but the majority of the gameplay will come from thegrid-based field.
Summonin your fellow students to help you fight the enemies, tactically move them around the grid inreal timeas you fight and clear the path ahead to forge your way to victory!
Choose between a variety ofraces, sexes, abilitiesand more for your ultimate team andlevel upwithexperienceandlootyou find as you journey.
Ability to choose between 10 races with male and female sexes and over 80 different personality traits for your team!
Use markers to tactically guide your student soldiers in real time. Pick them up and place them on the field and let the battle commence!
Overarching storyline that progresses as you complete quests and the opportunity to have fun dialogue between characters as you play.
Party management system to switch up teammates and oversee levels, abilities, and stats.
Equip your students with valuable gear to add to their abilities or power up. Find from chests during your quests or buy from the shop back at homebase.
Each stage features unique boss monsters with varying abilities and attacks for you to defeat to progress your story.
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