The Gundam Infinity collection from Bandai takes the most iconic Mobile Suits from the Gundam Universe and delivers a 4.5 Inch, highly detailed figure with over 14 points of articulation and battle ready accessories. The Artemis, RX-78-2, XXXG-01W Wing, MBF-PO2 Astray, and Barbatos Gundam battle frames are the first wave in this exciting new collection. Each figure in the collection has interchangeable Arms/Legs/Torso/Head that can be mixed and matched across all the figures for endless customization that Gundam fans expect.
The Gundam Barbatos is one of 72 ''Gundam'' frames that was produced and used in the Calamity War. It is powered by two Ahab reactors which give it exceptional maneuverability and speed.
With detail and styling as seen in the Iron Blooded Orphans series, this Mobile Suit is sure to please both core and casual fans
Includes the following accessories:
Mace and sword weapons
Build a figure weapons for iconic MS-06F Zaku Mobile Suit
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